When considering the backyard flock, the importance of a rooster is often up for debate. Since hens can lay eggs without roosters and there is a growing list of reports of rooster aggression, many people opt to avoid them altogether. However, roosters offer several benefits to your hens that may outweigh any concerns. Continue reading for a list of reasons to keep a rooster on the homestead, as well as potential challenges you might encounter when raising them.
Why is it Important to Keep a Rooster on the Homestead?
Do you really need a rooster on the homestead? Roosters often get a bad reputation, usually from those who have been attacked by a rooster or who lack understanding of how roosters function on a working homestead or farm. Despite this, there are many compelling reasons to own a rooster, particularly for those running a working farm or homestead.
We keep two roosters on our homestead at all times. We learned this important tip from a seasoned Virginia chicken keeper, Harvey Ussery. Keeping two roosters is important because if one rooster loses his battle while protecting the flock or simply passes away, the younger rooster can seamlessly take his place. This ensures continuity in the flock’s protection and leadership. Introducing a new, unfamiliar rooster would require significant time for him to establish himself in the pecking order, which can disrupt the flock’s dynamics and stability.
8 Reasons to Keep a Rooster on the Homestead
So do you need a rooster? And why should every homesteader have a rooster (or two!) with their flock? Let’s find out….
1. They Provide Fertility & Sustainability
Homesteading is ultimately about sustainability, and there’s nothing more common in sustainability than the chicken. While hens are quite self-sufficient in many aspects, raising chicks requires a rooster.
Whether you have a broody hen hatch eggs, or you hatch your own in an incubator, the presence of a rooster is crucial for producing chicks.
Without a rooster, you’ll need to continuously purchase eggs or new chicks from external sources, which is neither sustainable nor cost-effective. Having a rooster allows you to maintain a self-sustaining flock, reducing the need for outside purchases and enhancing the efficiency of your homestead.
Over the past 4 years, almost every egg we’ve hatched on our homestead has been from our flock. Not only has it been a way to replenish our flock at zero cost, but it has also been a way for us to decrease the risk of embryo-borne disease or bacteria.
In an end-of-the-world scenario, sustainability with roosters is extremely important. But, we’re not too doom and gloom here.
2. They Help to Maintain Social Hierarchy
Part of a rooster’s job is to help establish and maintain the pecking order of the flock. Social hierarchy reduces fighting between hens, keeps stress to a minimum, and sustains the order of the entire flock.
3. They Have a Useful Crow
Ah yes, the infamous rooster’s crow. I vote that roosters are more commonly known for their crow than for their ability to be aggressive. In fact, many roosters (depending on the breed), aren’t aggressive.
But that crow though, that crow is just golden.
Each morning the rooster crows. Sometimes it begins at 4 am, other times it doesn’t begin until the sunlight is visible to the human eye. However, most roosters begin as the sun begins, and oftentimes, it still looks pitch black outside to humans.
The crow is multi-functional. While many farmers and homesteaders get up with the rooster crow and start their inside chores, the rooster crow is so much more than that. It’s an alert system, a way to communicate, and a way to let others know who’s boss.
A loud crow can many times be enough to scare off smaller predators. It can deter other birds, and it can also alert hens to incoming predators. The crow is often preceded or followed by the flapping of both wings. This makes the rooster look more aggressive and assertive.
4. They Provide Predator Protection
Roosters are the first line of defense against predators. I have personally watched our roosters fight off falcons and hawks larger than they are. Guess who won? Yep, the rooster.
Many roosters, especially experienced ones, are relentless in their pursuit to protect their ladies. They know when they’ve met their match, but they will go down swinging if that means the rest of the flock is protected.
With predators constantly lurking around a homestead, a rooster is so necessary to protect the flock that produces you and your family’s fresh eggs!
The Rooster Alert
While a rooster crow is beautiful and effective, roosters have an alarm call separate from the crow. This call is immediately heeded by the hens because they know he is the protector of the flock. The rooster alert is vital in the protection of a flock as it’s the chicken’s first defense against an attack.
Often, a rooster will scan the sky for predators or he’ll hear a twig break in the woods. These things instantaneously alert him that something could be afoot. Even if it’s just a passing mouse, the rooster is always on alert, and rightfully so.
His alert system will save plenty of hens who are typically too busy eating and replenishing their calorie intake than worrying about a nearby predator.
5. They Offer Unique Aesthetics & Charm
Let’s be honest: one of the best reasons to have a rooster on your homestead is their sheer beauty. Roosters bring a touch of charm to backyards and homestead pastures with their vibrant plumage and striking presence. While I’ve come across a few scruffy roosters in my time, most of them are simply stunning and add a picturesque element to any homestead.
With long flowing saddle (back) feathers and beautiful shiny hackle (neck) feathers, the rooster is one of the most beautiful creatures in the entire world. Not only does he have a glorious crow and beautiful feathers, but he struts around with a protruding chest that makes him even more handsome and assertive. His stride is one of pride and beauty, and who’s to argue with that?
6. They Guide Hens in Foraging
Roosters are known to lead their flocks to food when foraging. They will scout out food and call the females over to grab a snack. This would prove very useful in free-ranging flocks so the birds make the most of the resources under their feet.
7. They Care for Their Hens
Roosters care well for their hens. Not only are they protective, but most roosters are extremely kind and sweet to their flock—bringing their hens food, calling their hens over when they’ve found a treat, and even snuggling up to his favorites at night. When a rooster knows a hen has been ousted in the flock, you’ll most often see her right beside him on the roost at night, so that he can protect her even more. Or he’ll take a quick rest beside her during the day before getting back up to do his flock duty.
8. Can Increase Egg Production
Keeping a rooster doesn’t directly cause hens to lay more eggs, however, his influence may encourage them to lay more regularly. When the flock is calm & well-ordered, the hens will feel safe and they will become more consistent layers, giving you more eggs than you would get if they were looking out for themselves without flock protectors.
Potential Issues with Keeping Roosters
There are plenty of reasons to keep a rooster on the homestead, but there are some potential challenges as well. Consider these things before adding a rooster to your flock.
1. Noise
The rooster crow that I love so much, unfortunately, isn’t always loved by others. Roosters typically crow early in the morning, but they have also been known to be noisy in the middle of the night on occasion. This can cause disturbances in your sleep and in your neighbors’ routines. If you live in a residential area, be mindful of your neighbors to avoid complaints and legal issues.
Some people use crow collars to keep their roosters quiet- I do not recommend this at all. Please opt for a rooster-less flock over removing their natural call to crow.
2. Aggression
One of the most common complaints about roosters is that they are aggressive. While roosters can be aggressive, it is a common misconception that they are all dangerous. If you understand the role of a rooster and the things that trigger their aggressive behavior, you can mitigate the risks associated with keeping a rooster on the homestead.
You can also choose a breed that is less prone to aggression and learn ways to train and manage your rooster to see you and your family members as friends and not threats. It is a good idea to keep small children away from roosters when they are unsupervised as the rooster’s spurs can cause severe damage if they do happen to feel threatened.
3. Local Laws
If you live in a residential area, there are likely laws that restrict or prohibit owning roosters. Many towns and neighborhoods permit hens but ban roosters due to their noisy crowing and potential disturbances. It’s important to check local regulations before adding a rooster to your flock.
4. Finding the Right Rooster : Hen Ratio
Having too many roosters, or even just one rough rooster, can lead to the hens experiencing feather loss and becoming stressed due to excessive mating. Conversely, if you only have one rooster, you risk being left without a protector if he dies or is otherwise removed. It’s important to balance the number of roosters with your flock size, and this may require some trial and error to get right. Ensure you have enough roosters to maintain flock harmony without overburdening the hens.
There certainly are a lot of reasons why a rooster might not be a good fit for you, but generally speaking, a rooster is something that every self-sustaining homesteader should consider owning. From caring and protecting his flock, to just being beautiful and amazing to look at, the rooster earns his keep on the farm.
And if in the end you can’t keep him, or he doesn’t work out for you, well friends, I’ve never met a rooster that hasn’t tasted good in a fresh bowl of chicken noodle soup on my family’s dinner table. Oh, look, there’s just one more reason you should keep roosters on your homestead…
More About Raising Chickens
Whether you’ll be free-ranging them or not, keep reading for more information about raising the healthiest and happiest backyard chickens on your homestead!
- All About Cardboard Bedding in the Chicken Coop
- 5 Reasons to Raise Pastured Livestock
- 10 Dual-Purpose Chicken Breeds
- How to Keep Chickens Warm in the Winter
- How to Treat Common Chicken Illnesses
- 10 Ways to Help Chickens Beat the Heat
- Chicken Breeds for Colorful Eggs
- Cornish Cross vs. Freedom Ranger: Which Meat Chicken Breed Should You Choose?
- Save Money Raising Chickens for Eggs
You forgot an important one! The rooster inspects nest sites and will call his hens to lay in thecspot he deems safe. Then he stands gaurd while his girls lay their eggs!
This was a fun and informative read!