2019 Homesteaders of America Conference Recap

As we go through this season of thanksgiving and reflection, we at Homesteaders of America have hearts full of gratitude because of your support in making the 2019 conference the most amazing homesteading event in the country!

Was the conference educational, helping to inspire and equip attendees to grow more of their food better? ABSOLUTELY! But what is even better is the sense of community everyone feels when we all come together. It’s palpable. It’s invigorating to be among YOUR people. This is your community, the folks you wish were your neighbors, the people who don’t look at you strange when you go on and on talking about your chickens or garden.

You can get a taste of it in the recap video we put together below, but I’m telling you, you have to be there to truly experience it!

And we’re busily preparing to make the next conference EVEN BETTER! We’re lining up the hottest homestead vendors, new speakers (as well as bringing back your favorites from year’s past) such as Joel Salatin, Eustace Conway, Sally Fallon Morell, Justin Rhodes, Rory Feek, and more for 2020!

Get your tickets for the 2020 Homesteaders of America Conference held in Front Royal, Virginia on October 9th & 10th today!

If you couldn’t make it to the conference (or maybe you did, but couldn’t be everywhere you wanted to be at once), we welcome you to join our VIP Membership where you will get access to ALL of the speaker’s lectures from the 2019 conference!

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