
The Homestead Fund is an extension of the Homesteaders of America organization that helps homesteading families in need-be it from a natural disaster, crisis situation, or homestead accident.

Each year, The Homestead Fund will help support homestead families across the nation that are in need. Your donations for this particular day will go towards the family listed below. If there are multiple families listed below, please specify which family you’re giving towards. You also have the option to be “anonymous”, please simply add that in the comments.

Each family has a monetary “need”. Once this monetary need is met (and not beyond that), the family will be taken off of the list and a payout will be issued. As a donor, you will receive updates on the family through email, and you’ll be told exactly when your money was handed over to them.

ALL donations (100%) received through this website are given to the families that you are donating towards.

All families must provide proper documentation of medical expenses and proof of crisis before being considered. We go through a very strict process before taking on a new homesteading family in order to provide a transparent fund full of integrity and hope.

Please note that if your donation is received and the need has already been met, your donation will go to the next family in need, or will be set aside in a fund to help support our homesteading community. However, more likely than not, the donation option will be taken down abruptly once the family’s need has been met.


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The Alderman Family is in need of good thoughts, prayers, encouragement, and monetary donations from their homestead community and The Homestead Fund.

Tommy and Patti Alderman are the faces behind Alderman Farms in Brookhaven Mississippi. They believe in redeeming the dirt the way our ancestors did, providing the best possible pasture for their animals, and living a self-sufficient lifestyle.

On December 9th of this year, Tommy was attacked by their Livestock Guardian Dog when the dog was taken off guard by another farm dog, of which Tommy was unfortunately in-between the two dogs. Tommy received extensive damage to his face and head, resulting in a medical airlift to their local hospital over 25 minutes away by helicopter. Tommy received over hundreds of stitches in his face and head, lost an extensive amount of blood, and it took over 6 hours to work on him and put him back together. Unfortunately, the only way to neutralize the situation was for Tommy’s son, Cory, to dispatch of the dog while it was attacking his father. We ask that you continue to support and encourage Cory along this difficult journey of healing, as it is not something any son wants to experience the fear of.

Tommy is a man of integrity, and has taken this opportunity to teach others what not to do in a dangerous altercation with their LGD. He continues to take full responsibility and hopes to educate others through his tragedy. We here at Homesteaders of America fully support the Alderman Family, and hope that you’ll consider donating towards their need at this time, even if just through words of hope and encouragement.

You can read about Tommy’s story and view photos of his accident here.

The Alderman family is very concerned about the amount of debt this may result in, and they are awaiting the updated medical bills for the ER, helicopter, and surgical visits. We will update each donor as the information comes through. For now, we are projecting over $10,000 worth in medical bills of what insurance will not cover. As most know, it could even be in the $30,000 range.

For this particular need, if the donations are met and the need is less than what has been donated, the funds will be set aside in The Homestead Fund to be put towards another need, or we may choose to refund large amounts of donations to the donor.

THANK YOU FOR DONATING! We’ll let you know when The Homestead Fund is back up and running, and when a new family is in need!