October Conference
- Acorn Grove Cabinetworks
- Adoratio Farms
- AJ Farms
- Alma Apothecary
- Back in Time Homestead
- BanDana Gramma
- Barefoot Baby
- Bee Guy Supplies
- BeeYoutiful
- Cedar Creek Holistic
- Cedar Gait Farm
- Country Catering
- Country View Chandlery
- Cultured Wellness Homestead & Butchery
- Cutting Edge Small Engine
- Dawson Gap Naturals
- Day Spring Farm
- DoTerra Essential Oils
- Earth Energy Flower Essences
- Fallen Aspen Farm/The Lard Bar
- Farming Artist/Appalachian Yaks
- Farm Life Outfitters
- Forged in Kol
- Genesis Rabbitry & Farm
- Graystem Farm
- Greenfield Farms Alpacas
- Happy Creek Cheeses
- Happy Family Ranch
- Haven Valley Homestead
- Heartiness Approach
- Homestead Eco
- J & W Farm
- Kitchen Craft
- KMB Farms
- Living Ancestrally
- Lutra Village
- LogOx
- Mann Lake LTD
- Miranda Solutions Group
- MooiAlpha
- New Country Organics
- Online Farm Markets
- Owl Tree Acres
- Peace & Harmony Farm
- Purefire Tactical
- Riverhills Harvest
- Riverwood Trading
- Roaming Bistro
- Rootbound Farms
- Seeds for Generations
- Shiloh Goodness
- SmokinQ BBQ
- Stir Crazy Kettle Corn
- Strombergs Chickens
- Texas Ready
- The Hive Butler
- The Honeystead
- The Judith Project
- Timeless Fence Systems
- TNT Nursery
- Tony’s Pizza Mobile
- Toup & Co Organics
- Usborne Books
- Western Expressions
- Windermere Farms
- Working Aussies Homestead
May Tennessee Conference
- 2 Angels Mushroom Farm
- BCS America
- Beeyoutiful
- JJL Forge, Joshua Langfitt
- Culleoka Company LLC
- Dreamsinddiestore
- Free Range Yarn, The Timber Creek Farmer
- God’s Good Plate
- Grazr Inc
- HOA Testing
- Independence Acres, Jeremy Chambers
- Melissa K. Norris – Pioneering Today
- McMurray Hatchery
- Meyer Hatchery
- Online Farm Markets
- Ooh La La New Orleans Style Shaved Ice
- Premier 1 Supplies
- Springer’s Lemonade & Fried Pies
- Timeless Fence System
- The Independent Farmstead, Shawn & Beth Dougherty
- The Southern Herbalist, Darryl Patton
- Weston A. Price Foundation
- Wirth While Leather
2019 Vendors
- AJ Farms LLC
- BanDana Gramma Crafts
- Cedar Gait Farm
- Clyde’s Garden Planner
- Cornerstone Farm Ventures
- Creekside Farm
- DMK Naturals
- Fancifelt
- Farmer Brad LLC
- Farm Life Outfitters
- Flying Sparrow Farms
- Greenfield Farms Alpacas
- Harvest Homestead Non-GMO Feeds
- Homesteaders Association Health Plans
- Kinohi Poultry
- Knox Stove Works
- Lomah Soaps & Sundries
- Meyer Hatchery
- MI Greenhouse
- MindandbodyCo
- Mountainview Farms
- Riverwood Trading Company
- Seeds for Generations
- Sow Edible Farm
- Sow the Land
- Spora Studios
- Terramera
- The Rustic Mod
- Warner Road Homestead
Food Vendors
2018 Vendors
- Ada Farm
- AJ Farms, LLC
- American Mulefoot Breeders Association, Inc.
- Appalachian Yaks
- BanDana Gramma
- Bays Balloons & Facepaint
- Blue Ridge Conversions
- Cedar Gait Farm
- Churncraft
- Constant Water
- Creekside Farm
- Cutco Cutlery (Susan Saunders)
- Earth Connection
- Falling Bark Farm
- Farm Life Outfitters
- God’s Glory Farm/Loudoun Beekeeping Company
- Graceland Cattle Farm
- Grandpa’s Workshop
- Hometown Insurance Agency
- LogOX
- Mountain View Solar
- New Country Organics
- Nutrilite Organic Supplements (Nicole Prosser)
- Omlet
- Premier 1
- Red Dirt Essentials
- Redemption Ridge Farm
- Riverhills Harvest
- Rocky Bottom Farm
- Scratch and Peck Feeds
- Sow The Land
- Subherban Roots
- Tamara’s Creations
- Tasty Worms
- The Bee Lady Apiary
- The Farm on Quail Hollow
- The Rustic Mod
- The Stove Works
- The Willows Keep
- Tiramar Homestead
- Usborne Books and More (Amber Repass)
- Wild Hare Fiber Studio
Demo Vendors
- Alderman Farms- Tommy and Patti Alderman
- Amy Fewell
- A Farm Girl In The Making- Ann Accetta-Scott
- Big Bear Homestead- Jason Rehr
- Blackberry Botanicals
- Brett Butler
- Darryl Patton
- Eustace Conway
- Georgia’s Soap Box- SUZANNE DEARDOFF
- Gina Phelps
- Independence Acres- Jeremy Chambers
- JJL Forge- Joshua Langfitt
- Joel Salatin
- Justin and Rebekah Rhodes
- MIgardener
- Pratt Family Homestead + Kids!
- Shawn and Beth Dougherty
- So Bee It! Apiary
- Stacy Lyn Harris
- Free Range Yarn/Timber Creek Farms- Janet Garman
- Urban Overalls- Connie Meyer
- Weston A. Price Foundation
- Windermere Farms, LLC
Food Vendors
2017 Vendors
- Abundance by Design Permaculture LLC
- Amber Repass — Usborne Books & More
- Automated Biomass Systems
- B Kozii- Agnes & Dora clothing
- Backwoods Home & Self Reliance Magazine
- BCS America
- Beard Commander
- Bite Me! Herbal Goat Treats
- CFC Farm + Home Center
- Chaffhaye
- Churn Craft — Butter Churn
- Coatings USA — Powder Coating and More
- Cornerstone Farm Ventures, Inc.
- CutCo Cutlery & Knives
- Falling Bark Farm — Hickory syrups, flavor infused honeys, coffee beans
- Gail Gardner- Norwex
- Genesis Home Improvement
- Kash Design
- Lady Farmer
- Lehman’s Hardware
- LifeTime Cookware- Dean and Kathi Hallet
- Log Ox
- Melinda Mecke — Lularoe
- Mellifera Homestead —handmade body care products made with beeswax
- New Country Organics- Organic, soy-free animal feed
- Onduline North America
- Piedmont Environmental Counsel
- Pleasant Grove Farm LLC dba TopMylar.com
- Sow The Land —Beautiful hand carved spoons, cutting boards, wood wall art, wood coat racks, and other home goods.
- SGK Emergency Prepper Expo
- Sharondale Farm – Grow your own mushrooms
- SmartSteader — Homestead Management App
- Sonlight — Christian Homeschool Curriculum
- Sterling College—The School of the New American Farmstead
- Subherban Roots
- Sun Oven International
- Tasty Worms — Dried Mealworms
- The Rustic Mod
- Thrive Life — Freeze Dried Food
- Timeless Fence System
- Tower Garden- Laurie Winter
- Twisted Yarn & Fiber
- Virginia Tractor
- WayCoolTools.com
- Weston A. Price Foundation
Food Vendors
Demo Vendors
- Timber Creek Farm
- The Southern Herbalist — Darryl Patton
- Off-Grid with Doug and Stacy
- Joshua Langfitt — Blacksmith
- A Farm Girl in the Making — Essential Oils & More
- Big Bear Homestead — Trapping Education
- Georgia’s Soapbox
- Sullivan Family Homestead- Hand-spun wool